Monday, April 2, 2012

Spring Break In St. George

Jon was able to finally get Spring break off with us so we decided to head to St. George with the family for the week.  We were busy all week doing lots of fun things.  The weather was beautiful and we had a great time with our kids.  Brianna even came down for a few days with her friend Cassie.  It was fun to have them for a few days with us.

One day we drove to Zion National Park and did some hikes.  We had to split up into two different groups since Caleb still couldn't do very hard hikes.  Jon took all the girls and did "Angel's Landing".  They said it was a fun hike but scary in some parts.  The pictures below show what they hiked.  The boys and I just went and did a little hike to some waterfalls and then met back up with them.

Here they are at the top of the climb!

We took our bikes with us and rode down Snow Canyon a few times.  Jack had just learned to ride a bike before we left for St. George, he was so excited to go for rides.  He rode all over the gated housing community that we were staying in.  It was perfect for him to just be able to ride around.  

We rented this Razor and spent a day climbing up some slick rock and sand dunes.  It was a lot of fun just going all over the rocks.  We even drove it to some dinosaur tracks that were in some of the rock formations.
This was an adventurous day that we spent in the car.  We drove for 65 miles on a dirt road to see the North Rim of the Grand Canyon.  It was such a spectacular view once we got there.  Words can't describe how amazing it was.  I was a little nervous with the kids and kept a tight hold of Jack the whole time we were there.

Jon thought it would be fun to lay down on their bellies and look over the edge!  I say they were crazy!

We spent most of the afternoons that we weren't hiking or biking at the pool.  The kids had a great time running from the pool to the hot tub all day long.

The day we left was Easter so the kids had to search the house for their Easter bags that the Easter bunny had hid for them!  Some of them had a hard time finding their bags.

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