Monday, February 23, 2009

Skiing At Beaver Mountain

January 16, 2009
During the winter the kids and Jon usually go skiing up to Beaver Mountain each Saturday.  Jack and I stay home since Jack is too young to learn to ski yet.  A few weekends ago the kids had a Friday off so we decided to take the family up and ski for the day.  Mallory didn't want to go this day since she was going to have to go the next, so she stayed home and watched Jack so I could go up with them.  It was so fun to go and watch the kids ski.  They are all so good!   I have never seen them ski, since I have always either been home or sitting in the lodge while they have lessons.  We had a great day and we even decided to get Jack a babysitter for the next day and I went with them again.  It was a fun weekend with two days of skiing with the family.

When we got home Jack felt left out so he put on Calebs helmet.  He says he will be big enough to learn to ski next year!

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