Saturday, February 27, 2010

Calebs 1st Ski Race at Beaver Mountain

Jon takes the kids up to Beaver Mountain each Saturday to ski and today he decided to sign Caleb up for a snowcross race. We weren't sure if Caleb would even do it, but he did. He thinks he took 4th place! Little does he know he did take 4th in the 4 boys that he was with but there were a lot of others that raced also. We didn't burst his bubble, we just let him think he took 4th. Way to go Caleb!!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Sweethearts Dance

It was girls choice so Brianna asked Jordan Hill to sweethearts. For their day date they went to a school and played games in the gym. They were in a group with 20 other couples. They went to dinner then the dance. After the dance they went to one of the girls houses and had a chocolate foutain and watched a movie. Brianna had a great time and was so beautiful!

Brianna and her date Jordan Hill

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Happy 11th Birthday Mallory!

Mallory celebrated her 11th birthday today! Wow where have the years gone. I remember so clearly the night she was born. We still wonder where they blond hair and blue eyes came from. She has definately brought joy to our family. She always keeps us on our toes with her funny comments or things she does. We love you Mallory!

Mallory wanted to go to Texas Roadhouse for her birthday dinner. They make all those with a birthday sit on a saddle and they sing to them.

Mallory wanted a room makeover for her birthday so that is what she got. Jon has been working hard to paint and put up beadboard in her room. It is finally done and she can sleep in her new room now!

Mallory with all her friends for her birthday party

For her friend party she wanted to spray paint t-shirts. They all made different designs and then I sprayed them for them. They had a great time coming up with ideas for their shirts.